General Resources
Curriculum Information | General Resources
Selected History Websites
The Big Three
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 130 million items on approximately 530 miles of bookshelves. The collections include more than 29 million books and other printed materials, 2.7 million recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.8 million maps, and 58 million manuscripts.
- Home page
- Search Tutorials
- Prints and Photographs Collection
- Remaining American Memory Collections
- Broadsides
- Teaching with Primary Sources - Guides
- Motion Picture and Reading Room
The Smithsonian Institute
The Smithsonian Institute is the world's largest museum complex and research organization. Composed of 16 museums and the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. and 2 museums in New York City, the Smithsonian's exhibitions offer visitors a glimpse into its vast collection numbering over 142 million objects.
National Archives and Records Administration
NARA, an independent Federal agency, is the United States’ national record keeper. NARA seeks to ensure ready access to the essential evidence that documents the rights of American citizens, the actions of Federal officials, and the national experience.
General History Websites
The National History Education Clearinghouse
- Digital History
- The Stanford History Education Group
- Project Gutenberg: Full Text Historical Books online
- Northwestern University Library: World War II Poster collection
- The Internet History Sourcebooks - Ancient, Medieval and Modern Historical Evidence
- The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy
- American Women's History: Digital Collections
- Documenting the American South - Historical Evidence
- Census and Other Data
- Harper's Magazine Archive (1850-2007)
- The Making of America (Cornell University Hathi Trust Digital Library)
- Gateway to Resources in American Studies (University of Virginia)
- 100 Milestone Documents
- Create Photo Essays
Justice Learning
- Learning for Justice
- Facing History and Ourselves
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Ethical Criteria for the Classroom
Interactive Websites Aligned with BHH units
2nd Grade
5th Grade
- The Road to Revolution Game
Students might use this quiz-style interactive game as an engaging review and self-assessment.
- Digital History Historical Maps by Topic
- Maps by Historical Era
- Maps -- University of Texas Library Online
Oral History
- History and Politics OUT LOUD
- Rutgers Oral History Archive (focused on WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War)
History Lesson Plans
National History Organizations
- National Center for History in the Schools
- National Council for the Social Studies
- National Council for History Education
- Organization of American Historians
Recent News
Bringing History Home in 2021
Since its beginning 20 years ago, Bringing History Home has had profound positive impacts on teachers andRead More
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Classroom
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